Sales are ramping fine as our reputation is rising for offering customers an exceptional experience and are in line with our expectations – specially when evaluated to other novel platform introductions. With a original platform you have to look at a couple of things, to begin with patron satisfaction. As I mentioned before, we’ve seen enormous response on the complete handset experience. Learn more about Windows Phone 7. Another is handset producer sales – cell phones being bought and stocked by mobile operators and vendors on their way to punters. We are pleased that phone makers sold over 1.5 million devices in the first six weeks, which helps build customer impetus and trade presence. We know we have hard antagonism, and this is a utterly new product. We’re in the race – it’s not a hurry but we are certainly gaining momentum and we’re in it for the long run.

We deem that to thrive in mobile you need, first of all, a great product, and we think we have that. What we’re hearing from our clientele is that they’re thinking the same way. Furthermore, early purchaser survey data on the generally software experience is very encouraging and the readiness to recommend our handset is very high. That’s really good for us. What we perceive in addition is that people like the fresh design and the different loom that we’ve taken. On the developer side, our apparatus are truly good and influence the skills they already have. Developers are validating that the tools make it easy to make grand apps and games quickly – we have more than 4,000 apps in our marketplace. With more hammering in daily, this is an desirable pace for any new platform. And just as we did something different with the handset, we did correspondingly with advertising. Our crusade, with the “Really?” ads, is completely different advertising, and it’s very gratifying to see the positive response we’ve received. Our campaign has been well-accepted and shows that our product has been correctly targeted.
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